While out catching up with Grovehill residents, some are asking about Goverdhan Silwal so we feel obliged to tell you...
Julie, Alex and Colette were quite taken back when, some time after last year’s local elections, Goverdhan resigned from the Conservative party. Standing as an independent councillor for several weeks, Goverdhan’s next move was a complete shock. In fact, many feel that it was actually his intention all along, to join the Labour party.
Julie, Colette, Alex and many other who have worked with Goverdhan over the years, feel quite let down but more importantly, there is a sense that he’s betrayed the very residents he was elected to represent and who have voted for him since 2015.
Party politics aside, the attribute ‘integrity’ comes to mind, as does the adjective ‘lacking’.
Yes, groups such as political parties go through their ups and downs but the only way things are going to change is if good people stay committed and encourage change and redirection from within. Obviously, Goverdhan doesn’t see things that way. In fact, one would be forgiven for thinking that perhaps Goverdhan’s only agenda, is well, Goverdhan!
Recently asked if he'd changed his political philosophy, beliefs or even principles, he said no, which is even more confusing and only reinforces the idea that perhaps he felt that the Conservative party no longer could help him with his own personal agenda.
Hemel Hempstead Conservative candidate for the 2024 general election is Andrew Williams.
Congratulations, Andy!
We all appreciate that replacing Sir Mike Penning who will be stepping down at this election, would be a difficult if not impossible task. Mike has served our community with vigour, dedication and commitment for more than two decades and will be sorely missed.
This time around however, we're delighted to announce that local lad, former leader Dacorum Borough Council, councillor for Adeyfield East and County Councillor for Hemel Hempstead East, will be the Conservative candidate for the 2024 general election.
Having lived in Hemel Hempstead all his life, and having been been active in politics for many decades, Andy is passionate about the town and has a wealth of experience and knowledge at all levels of government.
Simply put, we think that he'd be the best guy to represent Hemel Hempstead at Westminster.
UPDATE - 15th June 2024
We're delighted to announce that Andrew Williams has been awarded a MBE for public service, in the King's birthday honours list 2024.
Well, it seems that we didn't have to wait quite as long as we have done in the past to get the entrance to Henry Wells Square resurfaced. With the first 5m from the road coming under Hertfordshire Highways, we feel that Country Councillor Colette Wyatt-Lowe may have had something to do with this. 🙂
Residents will also be very aware of the considerable upheaval in the carpark at the moment. Indeed signs are up informing visitors that electric vehicle charging points are being installed.
Local councillors wanted the new charging points to be near the so-called seating area, where the old recycling bins used to be. Apparently due to technical reasons, putting the charging points there wasn't possible.
This year, Henry Wells Square has been given the best Christmas lights ever! They look amazing. DBC's Clean Safe & Green team have been out regularly, keeping the heart of Grovehill nice and tidy. So it's a shame that a group of five adults who are NOT homeless and who live in an adjacent ward, are choosing to pretend to be homeless outside our shops.
Residents have been bringing them food that they don't want. What they want is your money. They have strewn an array of belongings across our shops, including brand new sleeping bags, etc.
After being alerted to the issue, local councillors have liaised with the police and Dacorum Borough Council to try to get the situation under control.
Please do NOToffer the beggars food or money. They are NOT homeless or rough sleepers. If you want to help actual homeless people, then please donate to DENS.
The Regulation 18 public consultation is important. This is your opportunity to voice your views. Here are some points that you might like to consider:
While it is hoped that planners and developers intend to put in sufficient infrastructure for new builds, there is concern regarding the lack of infrastructure for existing residents (what is known as infrastructure deficit). Examples are hospital provision, police and enforcement, roads, parking and public transport.
The fact that Hemel Hempstead's housing quota has been reduced from 1100 dwellings per annum is fantastic but...
A (revised) build rate of 900 homes per annum across the borough, over the next 16 years, will yield 14,400 new dwellings by 2040. It would not be unreasonable to estimate a contribution to the local population of approximately 43,200 people. The population of Dacorum is currently about 155,000. The arithmetic therefore, suggests a population increase of about 28% over these 16 years.
S E R I O U S L Y ?
Quite simply, we're being expected to accept the fact that Hemel Hempstead well, won't be Hemel Hempstead in 16 years! 🙁
If the quota was halved to 450 dwellings per annum, then the increase in population as a result of new homes over 16 years would be under 15% which is a figure that not only may be acceptable to most people but offers some hope that infrastructure and resources might be realistically enhanced to deliver.
Hemel Garden Communities includes a plan to build approximately 11,000 new homes. Half of these will be in Dacorum and half will come under St. Albans. Half again, are planned to be built by 2040 and so only 2,500 homes are included in the Hemel Garden Communities part of the local plan.
Hemel Hempstead does not have adequate hospital provision. With West Herts Hospital Trust looking to invest considerable sums into Watford Hospital and with very little going to hospitals in St. Albans and Hemel Hempstead, residents are extremely concerned that hospital provisions in the area are already compromised.
Picture opposite - yes, the fight has been going on for a while!
West Herts Hospital Trust has had very little if no engagement with Dacorum residents. Why aren't Hemel Hempstead residents even given the opportunity to voice their concerns over such an important issue? The argument has gone on for decades but the bottom line is that it makes no sense what so ever, to offer Hemel Hempstead residents a hospital that's in the most impactable location imaginable.
A recent 'Health Campus' has been announced; a complex which is intended to be built on the old market square in the town centre. It's quite apparent that this simply won't be large enough to supply anything near the potential of a hospital and residents have very little confidence that, what seems to be a glorified GP surgery, will be of any benefit at all, to the wider population.
Residents see very little enforcement by police or Dacorum Borough Council. One example is the blatant consumption of cannabis. It’s difficult to go anywhere now-a-days, and not be subjected to the stench of weed. People have complained that it's even noticeable in the (apparent) privacy of their own gardens.
Boy racers can be heard most evenings, all over Grovehill and nothing seems to be happening to combat this recent phenomenon.
There have already been a couple of associated RTAs in Grovehill, one of which involved pedestrians.
Parking is of great concern, especially when it compromises safety. We have parking problems outside our schools, for example. We’ve had one incident which involved a parking warden being struck by a vehicle. Residents are fed up with the retroactive response of enforcement and don’t understand why action can’t be taken in advance. Surely that’s the definition of wisdom?
Verge abuse IS illegal but in many residential areas, people simply have very little option other than to park on grass. This is happening now, before another 15,000 homes get built! Will anything be done about this? We doubt so.
Whatever your opinion on e-scooters, the fact remains that they are illegal in Hertfordshire. As we all know, there are a lot of people who simply don't care… including enforcement bodies.
Roads are heaving. It’s now almost impossible to ‘pop’ to the local shops, for example without joining a que, let alone wanting to travel across town to one of the retail parks! Is this the new norm’? With another 40,000 odd people, things are going to be very congested.
Of course, more people means more pollution, more waste, more resources at a time when we should be thinking (and planning) to reduce the amount we consume and the amount we discard. The environment is important to us all. Residents are concerned that the designated area for Hemel Garden Communities adjoins an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would like reassurances that this will be safeguarded.
It's difficult to 'guess' what kind of transport we'll all be using, in years to come. To assume a high percentage modal shift to
greener transport systems however, would be foolish and surely a significant modal shift should be recorded prior to considering building several thousand new homes.
Whether we like it or, combustion engine powered vehicles are going to be around for a while. Reassurance from planners to this end would be greatly appreciated.
Noise is another issue. Residents are for example, very concerned about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. Background noise that is currently present in Wootton Drive, Grovehill can be heard in the audio sample below. This is MUCH worse in Redbourn!
Wootton Drive Noise December 2023
Best played back on full-range speakers and not on a phone! There is NO processing on the audio.
Now please don't tell us that another several thousand homes is not going to have an adverse effect on noise.
It is understood that water companies have a statutory obligation to deliver. Since the surrounding area is predominantly chalk based however, residents would like to know for example, how reservoirs will be built to potentially supply water for almost 15,000 new homes over the next 16 years.
So where will the water come from?
Water companies' customers remain shocked and bewildered that the dumping of sewage into our waterways, especially our ecologically fragile chalk streams, during periods of heavy rainfall, is still happening. If current demand can't be satisfied, then surely an additional 15,000 homes will only exacerbate the situation. THIS IS UNACCEPTIBLE.
Plans for LA-1, 380 dwellings on Marchmont Fields, include provision for several gypsy/ traveller pitches. Residents would like to know what a gypsy / traveller pitch is and if there are existing sites (anywhere in country) which would help make things a little clearer.
Don’t let developers fob you off, promising that the homes that they’re building are for your children and your children’s children. Unless dwellings fall under the category of social housing and are therefore, the responsibility of the local authority, such promises are false and totally meaningless.
And lastly, we're told that more homes brings down property prices. Well, perhaps someone would care to show us evidence that this is the case and deny that it's just another selling angle by developers. Hemel Hempstead has one of the lowest unemployment figures in the country and where there's low unemployment, property prices are always high.
The previous (Conservative) administration at Dacorum Borough Council, fought hard to get things to Regulation 18, including sticking by some controversial decisions at a time when COVID-19 was still an issue. The reason for that was because it allows you to have your say.
A local plan is necessary. With no local plan, developers can potentially come into areas, buy up land to build on and the local authority might not be able to refuse! That of course, could / would be disastrous.
Currently, Regulation 18 offers an opportunity for residents to voice their opinions.
The Lib / Dems have only been in five minutes and have already hatched a plan to end free carparking across the borough. The idea is going to Cabinet on Tuesday 18th July 2023.
Visitors to many open green areas in Dacorum such as Gadebridge Park, will have to pay for the privilege, if they come by car. Other currently free carparks are Canal Fields in Berkhamsted, Langley Hill and The Nap in Kings Langley and several locations in Tring.
It has been reported that the reasons behind the idea are:
To tackle the effects of inflation on the council.
To encourage people to spend more time in respective town centres.
Removing free carparking is estimated to raise £2.9 million by 2026 / 7.
On Tuesday 18th July 2023, a decision will be made at Cabinet, whether or not to proceed with a public consultation to end free carparking across Dacorum. A date for the consultation will then be agreed. The results of the consultation will be analysed and depending on the outcome, free parking will either be abolished... or not.
If this plan goes ahead, we could soon see the end of free parking in our local (ward) shopping centres such Henry Wells Square.
So this is where you come in. There are several things you can do and we suggest that you do ALL of them!
A petition has been organised by Conservative councillors and we’d urge you to sign it. The petition can be found here. *
You can e-mail / write to the portfolio holder expressing your concerns. The portfolio holder is Cllr. Sally Symington. Her contact details are as follows:
Cllr. Sally Symington, Dacorum Borough Council, The Forum, The Marlows, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP1 1DN.
We’ll keep you posted regarding the consultation. If the idea is followed through and a public consultation follows, you should participate.
You MUST spread the word!!!!!
* Irrespective of how many signatures are on a petition, the petition itself only counts as one comment / objection. It is therefore paramount that individuals make their voices heard.
The country is stuck in a cost-of-living crisis. The idea of charging to access our open green spaces doesn’t exactly give residents confidence that the council even cares about those who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, to feed their children and to keep their homes warm.
Some time ago, Nature England presented a report highlighting the erosion of the Chiltern Beechwoods such as those at Ashridge. The report was so damning that any planning that hadn't been approved in the Borough, was put on hold. Nature England insisted that footfall to the Chiltern Beechwoods be reduced by providing Sustainable Access to Natural Green Spaces (SANGS). The idea of charging for parking at our green spaces, seems to go against this.
We're just getting used to life without COVID. The period of lockdowns had a profound affect on many and mental health became a common topic for discussion. Charging for access to our green spaces, will potentially continue a negative cycle for many, especially the vulnerable.
Dacorum has always prided itself on its facilities for families with young children. Parents can relax while kids can enjoy the wide open spaces offered by parks like Gadebridge Park. Carparking charges at places like Gadebridge Park will take away this kind of family leisure time.
The park is used for physical activity by many Dacorum residents. Parking charges will potentially affect public health and wellbeing.
It's inevitable that local businesses will be adversely affected if charges were imposed at the Gadebridge Park carpark.
Senior citizens who regularly gather at Gadebridge Park carpark prior to leaving on their excursions will have to meet somewhere else.
Just put any of the above in your own words and feel free to add your own arguments.
UPDATE - 18th July 2023
At cabinet this evening, the leader of the council took the decision to defer the debate on carparking charges. No doubt due to the overwhelming response to the petition launched by Dacorum Conservatives and the reaction generated by residents to news of the idea, the matter will now be discussed at cabinet's September meeting.
We still urge residents to sign the petition and write to the portfolio holder voicing their concerns. Remember, the matter has only been deferred.
Alex popped up to Maylands industrial estate today and was shocked to see a line of vehicles parked up on the verge again.
It seems that although things were fine for a while, the developer is now ignoring our request.
Very sad to see this but we're not going to give up. Verge abuse is illegal.
While taking the above pictures, Alex was asked by a resident why he was taking the pictures. He explained that councillors and residents are trying to stop parking on the verges. The residents asked him "Where's the sign?". SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?
After months of canvassing, visiting and speaking with local residents on a variety of issues, we’re delighted to report that Julie, Alex and Goverdhan have been re-elected as local councillors for the ward of Grovehill.
Turnout - 23% (low).
Julie Banks, Alexander bhinder and Goverdhan Silwal were duly elected. Grovehill remains Conservative.
For some, these local elections were an opportunity to protest against the unbelievable and quite frankly, shameful performance of the national Conservative party, over recent years. Though understandable, it's a shame, as hitting local councillors for what happens nationally, isn't the way to get things done. In Dacorum, the Conservatives have had a fantastic track-record over recent years. In fact, opposition parties could only fight the election on national issues because there wasn't anything they could get their teeth stuck into, locally. Whilst potentially sending a message to the government, local stability and as mentioned, a great track-record has been rocked.
This time around however, Grovehill residents have appreciated the difference between local and national politics and that Julie, Alex and Goverdhan have worked and will continue to work hard for the residents of ward. As for the bigger picture, I'm sure the time will come.
With frustrations running high across the whole country however, several districts lost Conservative control and indeed, the Conservatives have lost their majority in Dacorum too, with the council now being made up as follows:
Liberal Democrats - 28 seats
Conservatives - 18 seats
Labour - 3 seats
Independent - 2 seats
For the next four years, Dacorum Borough Council is under Lib/Dem control.
Click here for results of other wards within the Borough of Dacorum.
How many people know how much a coach weighs? Yeah, thought so! Neither do we. Either way, we’ve had complaints from residents along Washington Avenue about this Barnett’s coach which is regularly parked up along the road.
With respect to Barnett’s (and the driver who is known to live locally), this just isn’t good. On such a road where all Grovehill residents are aware of speeding problems (which we’re trying hard to resolve), this kind of thing just makes Washington Avenue more awkward and more dangerous.
While canvassing recently, Alex took these pictures and noticed that the Crawley Drive road signs were actually on the original list of road signs that were requested to be changed.
We'll chase them up. It's quite unacceptable.
Here's the list of Grovehill road signs that we're trying to get sorted and also the ones that have been sorted.
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