If you’re interested in joining a team with a long-established track-record of commitment to Grovehill and its residents, perhaps you’d also be interested in becoming a fully paid-up member of the Grovehill Conservatives Branch.
Alex, Julie, Goverdhan and Colette can’t be everywhere all the time and they rely on local residents to report issues in their respective areas. Resident involvement ensures that your councillors can respond quickly to issues in and around the ward. Of course, you don’t have to be a branch member to do that!
On the other hand, the team always appreciates help to deliver literature like our In Touches, for example. Also, the more members we have, the more democratic the decision process becomes, thereby reflecting more of the opinions of residents.
We don’t meet up too regularly so don’t feel like you’ll be expected to attend loads of meetings. With modern telecommunications, we usually only meet up two or three times a year.
Of course, there are expenses such as hosting this website and the cost of printing literature. These things aren’t paid for by the council. That would be quite improper and is therefore paid by your councillors and the branch. While literature is compiled and designed by the group, it’s physically printed by a local company. Similarly, while the group maintains the website, it’s hosted by a website hosting company. Hence, members pay regular subscriptions which contribute towards costs.
Becoming a member, doesn't involve filling in long forms. In fact, you can simply express and interest by contacting us on our normal contact form here. Someone will call or e-mail you back for a chat.