With building work due for completion during the Autumn of 2023, the new high-quality buildings will transform the learning environment at Astley Cooper School, for all students, visitors and staff which is good news but….
Your councillors are also aware that many who attend the Indian Orthodox Christian Church, park up on the grass verges and have also contributed to the ‘mudscape’.
Julie was able to confirm that vehicular parking was available to all tradesmen around the corner, up on the Cupid Green playing field car park adjacent to the Grovehill and Woodhall Farm adventure playground. Great news all round but it wasn’t too long before we heard there had been no let-up in the poor parking. Since verge abuse is technically illegal, Julie went on to have a quiet word with PC Charlie Eke (our new Police Officer covering Grovehill). Charlie spoke with the Head Teacher and the construction company, about the issue. Seemingly taken on-board, Alex, Julie, Goverdhan and now Charlie, will be watching carefully! Your councillors have also been reassured that the developer will put things right, on completion of the project.
Goverdhan and Alex have both spoken with elders from the Indian Orthodox Christian Church and pointed out the wrecked verge. It was agreed that the church would attend to the verge damage and take measures to reduce parking on the verge by attendees. Alex has given the church six weeks to sort out their parking issues.