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Latest on the Leven Way Development

Back in January 2022 Julie, Alex and Goverdhan met with residents, council officers and developers to discuss a plan for thirty-two affordable dwellings, comprising flats and houses, at the top of the Marchmont fields, backing on to Laidon Square.

The development is NOT part of LA-1 but will eventually be part of the emergency access to the LA-1 site.

Councillors supported residents making several references to the dire parking situation in area. Julie, Goverdhan and Alex fully supported residents, insisting that the matter be addressed, prior to any further work. Indeed earlier last year, DBC officers accompanied Alex, Julie and Goverdhan on a site visit to look at verge-hardening opportunities in Leven Way, Laidon Square and Lomond Road.

Update: As we reported several months ago, following Nature England’s study of
the Chiltern Beechwoods (such as Ashridge), building development around Dacorum is still kind of up in the air so we’re not exactly advising people to expect too much too soon!

As part of the build, there’ll be an addition thirteen car parking spaces for Laidon Square residents so keep an eye out as you should be receiving a letter from Dacorum Borough Council, advising exactly where the spaces will be going.